Friday, July 25, 2014

R.E.D Friday

I saw this posted on Facebook a few days ago.

I can never say thank you enough to the young men and women who bravely go into harm’s way to defend this country that I have the privilege to be a citizen of.


Thursday, July 24, 2014


Sometimes the sun shines over my shoulder.
Sometimes it lights my way.
Sometimes it illuminates my world.
Sometimes it brightens my day.
Sometimes the clouds do cover.
Sometimes the thunder roars.
Sometimes the lightning crashes.
Sometimes the rain just pours.
Sometimes life is good.
Sometimes life is bad.
Sometimes life is just life.
Sometimes if just has to be had.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

I’m Making Another Left Turn!!!

Life is about choice. Every decision that you have ever made has lead you to this very point, where you are reading the words on this page (thanks for that by the way, that just makes you awesome in my book (or would that be blog, hrmm?).
I wrote about living A Life Without Regret a few days ago and how it's easy to get caught up in the thought of making the wrong decision and getting stuck in that moment and failing to recognize that you are who you are today because of every yesterday you have had.
And whether you believe in fate, predestination, unlimited choice, or free will... you will always come back to one very finite answer for everything...
Yep, right here!
Yep, right here!

Everything in your life has lead you to this place that you currently are. That could be a good place, a bad place, a weird place (ok, you are reading my blog, that kind places you in the 'weird' category) or you could be like me and are just... in a place.
No matter. Don't get caught up in the would've, could've, should'ves...
They will lead you nowhere, and ultimately make you despise where you are because of the constant question of how much better your life could have been if... just... if.
And really, is your life so bad that you would change everything between now and when you didn't (or did) make that choice that lead you here...
Risking all of those moments you have had? Instead just take some advice from someone who has struggled with the nightmare of wrong choices...
Just live.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Right to Write

I like writing. Granted, it’s more typing on a keyboard these days thenwriting1 actually writing, so why don’t we change it? Is it because ‘typing’ just doesn’t have the same sense of romanticism to it? Too office-y? Too…

Yeah… so.. I like writing. When I was a kid I always wanted to be a published (and successful) author of books. I use to write short stories or poems, and I even tried my hand at starting a book or three sometime around the age of 12, 17, and then again in my early 20′s.

I’m 43 now. And until a few months ago, I walked away from writing, totally, for the better part of 20 years. I’d like to tell you I had a good reason, but, like all excuses, none are truly ever good. In my case, I just felt like I wasn’t good enough.

Sure, I wrote here and there. Even entered a college writing contest and got 2nd place. But, it wasn’t the passion that I had as a kid. The flame had nearly died. The ‘living of life’ had almost killed my dreams.

But, thanks to some of the problems I have had, I found my ‘voice’ again. Writing my “Count Your Blessing” blogs rekindled something inside of me that encouraged me to look back and find the passion I had.

So, I started to blog, blogging turned to poems, poems to short story ideas, and that sparked my desire to start writing the Trilogy I came up with a long time ago. But for now, I will continue to blog, throw my stories out for whomever to read, practice my craft, and let my ideas flow onto paper.. or.. um.. whatever this medium would be called.

Cause, I still have stories to tell.

from WordPress