Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Struggles in writing #CYB

Somebody asked me the other day why my blog's have started to taper off, asking me, you mean you ran out of things to be thankful for? She said this in jest, but the point kind of stuck with me. Several days later, I am still mulling over that thought.

It's not that I don't have more to be thankful for. I actually have a life filled with things to be thankful for. But that right there, that's the problem. I have THINGS to be thankful for. Now don't get me wrong, I could go on and on about the things, several of my previous posts were about just those things.

But, that is where my struggle starts. I don't want to be thankful for things. I want to be thankful for the people in my life. I want to be thankful for the happenings of my day. I want to be thankful for the important stuff. Family, friends, my kids, my cats, the way a sunset looks after a rain.

No, the struggle isn't in finding those things. Ok, honestly, sometimes it is. The struggle is more in my own head about who am I thankful for today and then the thought happens. What if I offend so and so by writing about this person first. And then I'm stuck.

It's no secret, I don't like rejection. It's been a lifelong struggle that I have dealt with, and on more then one occasion it has caused me to shut down and not even attempt something. But I'm trying to stare it in the face, and am making up my mind that I am going to just write. So call this my framing of future posts, that I am not in any way attempting to prioritize the importance of the order of my blessings, but merely writing.

Ok, well, that's true except for the first post. She's totes my number 1. Totes.

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