Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Obedience is better then...

Obedience is better then...



Is all sacrifice obedience?

We Christian's like to throw out that verse a lot.. Obedience is better then sacrifice.. but what does it mean? Is it a reference to that fact that if I disobey that a sacrifice is required? That my obedience is better then the death of Christ on the cross? That if we only would have obeyed, God would have been happier with that then watching His son die for our disobedience?

Honestly, I'm not sure.

However, in the last few days, I started looking at this verse with a different view point... what if the phrase.. "obedience is better then sacrifice" is more to the point of.. obedience is going to require sacrifice, and to sacrifice something obediently is much better then just sacrificing something. So it boils down to the intent and attitude of the heart...

So, are you sacrificing something just to not do it, or are you doing it out of obedience to what God says?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The basics of sacrifice...


Sometimes I really hate that word. Ok, most of the time. Fine.. all the time. But honestly, who really likes to sacrifice?

Better question.. what is sacrifice? One of my students said it best.. the giving of something that means a lot to you, which coincidentally matches up with the definition that I found online

So, if I give it up and it means nothing, that wouldn't be sacrifice.. like.. for me, it's not a sacrifice to give up on spinach. Seriously, that stuff is nasty. get my drift.

It's got to cost us something to give up for it to be has too.

So, my question today is.. what is it that you are not willing to sacrifice?